More than donations, register your members too!

Posted on 02 Aug 2023

Australia’s original donations platform GiveNow has expanded its offering, building on 20 years of experience to now help supporters become members.

GiveNow executive director Cathy Truong said the donations platform, which has raised almost $200 million since 2001, was now making it easy for organisations to onboard members.

While it is expected the tool would help groups raise funds, she realised the underlying reason for recruiting members.

“Membership schemes are first and foremost about fostering a sense of belonging among your supporters – you need people’s enthusiasm more than you need their money,” Ms Truong said.

But additional memberships can also help groups generate valuable cash.

“Memberships should be a pillar of your fundraising strategy, and a membership program can provide a useful source of regular, predictable and renewable income for your organisation.”

She said every member prepared to chip in anywhere from $20 to $200 each year in membership fees to be part of a community, added up to significant income.

She said the new membership system drew on the GiveNow experience of handling donations to provide clean design, simple member registration forms, with secure payments. The auto-renewal feature makes it simpler for supporters to stay connected through the years – to be more engaged and provide more income!.

The member data – which can be tailored across membership types – was always available to manage members activities and keep them engaged in an organisation’s mission, she said.

“We want to make it easier for supporters to join and stay”. 

About GiveNow

GiveNow is an enterprise of Our Community, a social enterprise that for the last twenty years has been committed to supporting organisations to fulfil their mission.

GiveNow also hosts donations, peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns and Other Ways to Give listings at low cost.

For more information about memberships, read out step-by-step articles on:
Managing Membership listings on GiveNow
Managing members and payments
Information for supporters