
Simplify the process of transacting, receipting and reporting your donations.

Join 5,000 Australian community organisations who collect donations via GiveNow.

One-off and regular donations

We have set the default suggested donation amounts at the optimal break points for most Australians. But if you have a different set of expectations or feel your donors behave differently, you can change the suggested amounts at anytime to unlock the generosity of your donors.

You can also choose the regular donation time periods relevant for your fundraising cause.

We have incorporated the option to include your choice of images and descriptions for suggested donation amounts, to create a meaningful connection between your donors and your program.

Multiple fundraising causes at once

One or many, ongoing or periodic, you can have as many fundraising causes as your organisation needs. This provides the flexibility you need for setting periodic fundraising campaigns, in addition to your general all-year fundraising cause.

Establish different causes for:

  • A particular program or significant expense, designed to a set timeframe
  • Capturing matched funding opportunities using our matched giving feature
  • An event or program that invite supporters create a CrowdRaiser peer-to-peer page.

Customisable donation form

Once you have your supporters engaged and ready to commit to becoming a donor, we know that every detail matters.

That's why our online donations application allows you to:

  • choose suggested donation amounts and frequencies, as well as the default setting
  • select the data fields you capture on your donor
  • create your own questions to collect specific donor information, such as personalised messages, allocation of donation to specific programs, seeking permission for future contact and much more
  • colour and font of the payment frame to fit your branding
  • add your images and descriptions for suggested donation amounts, and so much more

Embed donations payment on your website

All approved fundraising causes will appear on PLUS you have the option to embed the donation process on your own organisation's website.

Mobile optimised and secure this is a simple option that is completed by a simple copy and paste of a snippet of code.

And of course, all customisations of the payment process are automatically included.

Integrate easily

GiveNow offers integrations with Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) and Google Analytics, with more to come soon.

Many community organisations however prefer to keep it simple. You can always access your donor and donation data via a consistently formatted .CSV file for uploading to any application.

Provide fundraising insights to supporters

There are many subtle but important factors that influence a supporter to complete a donation.

We help you navigate this by allowing you to:

  • Set a campaign target and display the amount of funds raised to date
  • Display important information in our donut chart graphic
  • See live recent donations to your cause
  • Display messages from supporters for CrowdRaisers
  • Include text, images and videos on your cause page

Secure, flexible and low cost

We are very proud of our twenty years of secure and stable operations, with ALL data stored in Australia.

For your donors, we offer Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Apple Pay and direct debit options, all with the lowest transaction fees available in Australia.

Our Starter Plan, the original GiveNow service, is available free of any platform fee. This plan is undoubtedly Australia's cheapest online donations service available.

Our Basic and Pro Plans offer additional fundraising features at very reasonable fees, with the flexibility to change your plan type at anytime as your fundraising needs change.

More donation features include:

Unique QR codes for every cause

When you need to fundraise offline, every cause has a QR code available to download at anytime in your OrgHQ portal.

Include images and descriptions

Visual storytelling for donors! Include images with suggested donation amounts creates meaningful connection with your program needs.

Matched funding opportunities

We provide the interface you need to entice donors to give generously during your matched giving campaigns.

Turn off your DGR status when needed

We make it easy for the times when a DGR endorsed organisation needs to switch their DGR status off, and issue the correct receipt.

Multiple bank accounts for one organisation

We can support your organisation to deposit donations into different bank accounts for different causes.

Control access with user permissions

It is easy to allocate user roles reflective of the responsibilities of your different team members.