Payment forms on your website

Engage your supporters without directing them away from your site.

Create a seamless journey for your donors, members and ticket purchases with our simple to use, secure and low cost embed feature.

Simple copy and paste

Pro plan users can embed the donation payment process directly onto your own website quickly and simply. Copy the snippet of HTML code from OrgHQ and paste in a frame on your website - all done in a matter of minutes!

This process is straight-forward so you do not need to get a software developer involved. There are no plugins or code edits required. Non-technical web managers can insert the frame which only ever needs to be done once!

Colour and font match

We understand the importance of branding and creating a cohesive visual experience for your organisation's website.

The GiveNow embed feature allows you to choose the colours used throughout the payment process. Choose your organisation's logo colours or website colour scheme so that the forms fit seamlessly within your website look and feel.

You are also able to select from more than thirty fonts for the donations form. The membership form font is currently set to xxx by default, with the option to customise the font soon.


We utilise a payment frame developed by our payment partner to ensure secure transactions and Australian based data storage. Your organisation can therefore safely receive payments without the need to store, process or transmit credit card information at all.

Our team have implemented all fraud protection safeguards and the GiveNow Melbourne based staff do all monitoring of suspicious activity on your behalf.

To use the frame, we require registration of your secure https:// domain to ensure it is locked for use by your organisation only.

Multiple frames available at once

Every cause and every membership has its own embed code and therefore its own frame.

So if you have multiple causes or memberships you can have unique embedded frames on different pages on your website. Some examples of when this might be helpful includes when your organisation is:

  • collecting donations for different programs,
  • segmenting your donors with different suggested donation amounts,
  • offering membership registration for specific programs, or
  • required to deposit donations into separate bank accounts.

Customise the data collected

All customisations made in OrgHQ to the data captured for a cause or membership are automatically reflected in the embedded frame. This also includes subsequent edits made in OrgHQ. Therefore you choose the:

  • contact detail data fields displayed, reflecting whether you opted to include title, phone number and address.
  • questions created, from single-choice, multi-choice or text based responses.

For donations, all suggested donation amounts, images and descriptions will also automatically flow through to the form displayed.

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All data is stored within Australia

All your donor and supporter data is stored on Australian based servers ONLY. With the ever increasing concerns about privacy of your supporter data:

  • we ensure that all GiveNow servers are based securely within Australia
  • our payment processing partner is an Australian company with Sydney based servers only
Using GiveNow ensures that all of your supporter data is kept within Australia. This is unlike the experience of other fundraising providers who use Stripe, PayPal or Braintree where data is inevitably transmitted offshore.


GiveNow has always aspired to making Australians better givers.

Our platform lists all active causes and memberships on to give individuals the freedom to support all our wonderful community organisations.

Registering with GiveNow therefore places your organisation at the fingertips of a wider audience than your own network.