How did the minister handle the tough questions on the Not-for-profit Agenda?

Posted on 17 Jul 2024

By Matthew Schulz, journalist, Institute of Community Directors Australia

Charities Minister Andrew Leigh was put on the spot this month in ICDA’s quarterly newscast, the Not-for-profit Agenda, as he was grilled by journalists and sector representatives on the status of three major reviews into the community sector: the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into philanthropy, the Department of Social Security’s review of community sector funding, and the sector-led NFP Sector Development Blueprint.


Challenged to counter fears that the reform push wouldn’t generate substantial change, the minister drew a stark contrast between the previous Coalition government, which waged “war on charities”, and the current Labor government.

“We've made clear that we welcome issue advocacy by charities, not-for-profits, including when that issue advocacy disagrees with positions that the government has taken,” Dr Leigh said.

He cited the example of the Stronger Charities Alliance’s push for a legislated “right to advocate” and told the hundreds of sector leaders in attendance that “people appreciate that we have a Charities and Not-for-profits Commission that is firmly on the side of charities … looking to work constructively across the sector”.

The minister also responded to questioning about the pace of fundraising reforms, how funding arrangements might change following a community sector funding review, and the need to boost funding for sector capacity building.

While the minister topped the bill, the fast-paced hour-long webinar also screened video interviews with other sector leaders:

  • Opposition charities spokesman Senator Dean Smith
  • NFP Sector Blueprint lead author Professor Jo Barraket AM
  • Community Directors Council chair and former ACNC commissioner Adj Prof Susan Pascoe AM
  • Philanthropy Australia’s Sam Rosevear
  • Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek
  • ACOSS community services program director Rob Sturrock
  • Scope Disability Services director Barbara Hingston AM
  • McAuley Community Services for Women CEO Jocelyn Bignold OAM
  • Fundraising strategist and Community Directors Council member Catherine Brooks
  • Good Things Foundation CEO Jess Wilson

Each discussed critical issues facing the not-for-profit sector ahead of these major inquiries.

Watch the full replay above.

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