How did the minister handle the tough questions on the Not-for-profit Agenda?

Posted on 09 Oct 2024

Charities Minister Andrew Leigh was put on the spot this month in ICDA’s quarterly newscast, the Not-for-profit Agenda, as he was grilled by journalists and sector representatives on the status of three major reviews into the community sector: the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into philanthropy, the Department of Social Security’s review of community sector funding, and the sector-led NFP Sector Development Blueprint.


Challenged to counter fears that the reform push wouldn’t generate substantial change, the minister drew a stark contrast between the previous Coalition government, which waged “war on charities”, and the current Labor government.

“We've made clear that we welcome issue advocacy by charities, not-for-profits, including when that issue advocacy disagrees with positions that the government has taken,” Dr Leigh said.

He cited the example of the Stronger Charities Alliance’s push for a legislated “right to advocate” and told the hundreds of sector leaders in attendance that “people appreciate that we have a Charities and Not-for-profits Commission that is firmly on the side of charities … looking to work constructively across the sector”.

The minister also responded to questioning about the pace of fundraising reforms, how funding arrangements might change following a community sector funding review, and the need to boost funding for sector capacity building.

While the minister topped the bill, the fast-paced hour-long webinar also screened video interviews with other sector leaders:

  • Opposition charities spokesman Senator Dean Smith
  • NFP Sector Blueprint lead author Professor Jo Barraket AM
  • Community Directors Council chair and former ACNC commissioner Adj Prof Susan Pascoe AM
  • Philanthropy Australia’s Sam Rosevear
  • Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek
  • ACOSS community services program director Rob Sturrock
  • Scope Disability Services director Barbara Hingston AM
  • McAuley Community Services for Women CEO Jocelyn Bignold OAM
  • Fundraising strategist and Community Directors Council member Catherine Brooks
  • Good Things Foundation CEO Jess Wilson

Each discussed critical issues facing the not-for-profit sector ahead of these major inquiries.

Watch the full replay above.

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